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Feeling disconnected from your body post-birth is common. These strategies can help you reconnect.

Pregnancy is one of the most significant transformations that can happen in a human life.

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Efficacy of the mindfulness meditation mobile app “Calm” to reduce stress among college students: randomized controlled trial

College students experience high levels of stress. Mindfulness meditation delivered via a mobile app may be an appealing, efficacious way to reduce stress in college students.

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How to recognize—and cope with—anticipatory grief

Expecting a tragedy can cause what's known as anticipatory grief. Learn 5 tips for coping in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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When grief appears in the body

Grief can manifest as insomnia, body aches, high blood pressure & more. Learn to cope with these tips from Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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Small ways to protect your energy as a nurse

Read about boundary setting & 4 other ways nurses can prevent burnout by protecting their energy in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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6 phrases to ground yourself after a hard day as a nurse

After a hard day as a nurse, lighten your load with 6 compassionate self-care phrases from Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How, when, and why to tell your manager about your infertility journey

Learn how, when, and why to tell your manager at work about your infertility journey in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to set (and keep) social media boundaries when you’re trying to conceive

Trying to conceive? Learn 3 ways to limit the comparison trap during your fertility journey in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to care for a partner who’s experiencing perinatal depression

Explore 5 ways to care for a partner who may be experiencing perinatal depression in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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6 ways to know your therapist is right for you

Discover 6 green flags you should look for in a therapist to know if they're a good fit for you in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to answer when someone asks about your therapy sessions

Learn 5 kind, boundary-setting ways to respond when someone asks why you started therapy in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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What are the 3 main types of therapy

Curious about psychotherapy? Learn about mental health therapies such as CBT, DBT, and ACT in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app

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What is depression?

What is depression, anyway? Learn about 6 depressive conditions and their symptoms in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to be present with a child when you're in peak stress mode

Learn how to be present with a child when you're in peak stress mode in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to stress check your environment in 5 easy steps

Learn how to stress check your environment and improve your well-being in 5 easy steps in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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What is anxiety?

Learn how anxiety encompasses diverse symptoms and conditions both emotionally and physically in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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How to cope with anxiety’s physical symptoms

You’re not imagining that tension in your shoulders. Learn how to cope with anxiety symptoms in this article by Calm Health, the mental wellness app.

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