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8 affirmations to help you navigate menopause anxiety

Navigating menopause anxiety can be challenging. Discover these 8 affirmations for anxiety to help you manage your mental health during this transition.

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5 things to know about perimenopause and menopause

Learn about perimenopause and menopause, their symptoms, and how they affect physical and mental health. Here are 5 things to know and understand about the stages of your transition.

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5 questions to turn to if you struggle with PMS

Are you leaning on self-care for PMS symptoms? Looking for emotional support for PMS? Ask yourself these five questions next time you’re struggling.

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6 Reasons why cycle syncing can support your mental health

Cycle syncing is an exercise in self-awareness that can potentially support your mental health in new ways. Read these 6 period health tips.

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